Create a Pure Life with more ease and grace.
Let us guide you to create a Pure Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit
to fully embody your divine, galactic, powerful self.
Create more Peace, Passion, Purpose, and fulfillment in life.
Remember how sacred and powerful you are.
Remeber your divinity, work with wisdom, and integrate it with your experience to find your true Purpose as a divine human.
Let us help you enhance your divine guidance to attain deeper Inner Peace, with effective tools to Recharge and Renew, heal from challenges of Life, and enjoy fulfilling your Purpose.
Allow deeper healing and true empowerment with efficent skills to help you change patterns and habits, to make better choices in life.
That leads to creating better relationships, wich leads to more healing and fulfillment.
Enjoy sharing your unique beauty, passion, purpose, and divine power to create more abundance and peace in your life and this world.
Let's enjoy sharing our Light!
Join us for celebrations and ceremonies to enhance our energy flow and integrate the many blessings the cycles of nature offer us.
We can integrate them with our divine guidance to help us enjoy our human experience.
Consider investing in blessing your young children to help them be more protected so they can grow into balanced human beings.
Maybe investing in clearing and blessing your home or work environments will help you manifest your dreams and desires with more ease.
We can teach you or set for you protective grids with crystals or build energetic temples for special occasions.
Let us share powerful ancient wisdom, tools for effective self-care, and technology of activating physical and spiritual DNA to raise your awareness and know your divinity. Use your Free Will wisely and choose to work with time-tested effective methods to keep purifying and perfecting your body, mind, heart, and soul so you can heal with greater efficiency, and become truly empowered, the best version of yourself.
Let us help you upgrade your energy system to better connect with divine realms and receive accurate guidance about your purpose and potential. Choose to flow more Light, have more power to make better choices, create more joy and peace for yourself and in your relationships. Choose to heal on a deeper level, and become more effective in helping others grow and heal. That will create more peace in this world. It starts with each one of us.
Let us guide you to empower, know, master yourself, and complete your lessons by overcoming challenges more quickly so you can enjoy fulfilling your unique mission as a divine human in this realm. Let us help you step on an amazing path of knowing yourself as an eternal, galactic divine Being of Light.
Do you crave to have a meaningful human experience, knowing how sacred and powerful you are, receive deep healing, feel accepted and appreciated. worthy of sharing and receiving goodness in this world? Let us help you create success in life, the way you define it.
Actually, what defines you? If you are already successful by societal standards, do you truly have fulfillment in life and enjoy all your relationships, including with yourself? The new Docuseries might give you good insights to better know your truth as it is now and decide if you would like to know more about your divine journey.
Would you like to make more sense out of this world and your place in it, make better choices to create more fulfillment in life? Enjoy this docuseries. Connect for more information or an appointment to start your journey of true empowerment.
Raise your level of awareness with ancient technology of Activations and Initiations. Choose to turn on your divine guidance, coded in your DNA, and divine power waiting for you to access it by awakening dormant energy structures. Make it easeir to create and maintain a life you love living, to live it fully, truly ALIVE, with joy, passion and purpose. Hack your future with time tested and, therefore, proven technologies that have served humanity for thousands of years. Join us. Connect for more information or schedule a consultation.
When I met Ula I was looking for answers in life to both questions that I had and that I didn’t know I had. Since being Life Activated and Initiated in 2015, I have completely shed countless layers of the person I was back then and have been able to step into the man that I am today. I truly credit the Lineage of King Solomon, its tools, healings and teachings as the foundational backbone of this growth. As my Guide in the Lineage, she has truly filled the role of “Spiritual Mother” to me over the years.
As I began to grow and blossom in the Lineage, becoming a Life Activation Practitioner, Kabbalist and Ritual Master, my journey has taken me from the Philadelphia area out to the Midwest, however Ula has always been there for me when I have questions, need guidance or just a supporting ear to talk to. Her vast knowledge, wisdom, compassion and toolbox have served me well over the years in my times of need as well as my times of Joy.
I can say with certainty that finding and reaching out to Ula all those years ago was and is one of the greatest decisions of my life. She, as well as this path, have helped me to find my purpose in life, and that purpose is to be of service in the same fashion. Every moment in our lives we make decisions. Make the decision to learn from Ula and you won’t regret it.
Vienna, IN
Working with Ula has been one of the best things I could have done. She gives such care and attention in her work and truly has my best interest in mind. This is apparent in finding what is best for me to move forward with whatever I am working on or dealing with at the time. I have received many of the lineage sessions she provides including, Ensofic Ray, Fire Soul Infusion, Isis Healing for emotional rebirth as well as have taken classes on Sacred Geometry and Metaphysics Basics that have been incredibly transformational and empowering, with her passion being clearly evident. Her bodywork mixed with her strong intuitive ability has yielded amazing results as well. I can not recommend her enough to anyone who wants to be supported in upleveling their life!
Denver, CO.
I am a better person, both to myself and others, since charting my path. While I know alignment varies, as does balance in the yin and yang of energy internally, being able to be centered within myself in a deep sense through the work with Ula simply makes each day better and more fulfilling, no matter how it starts. Beginning or continuing your journey connecting with your "compass," energy, or growth points will open a peace deeper than you have ever felt before. Lauren O. PA
"I kept praying and asking God for a miracle to help me heal my pain in my abdomen. The PT was not helping get rid of the pain. So God send you to me. You are my miracle. Thank you." Shelly Preller, PA
I know Ula for more than 17 years now. During this time, and I am sure also in the future, I witnessed/witness her dedication to the healing of other people. She follows all the training she can get to help everyone to become better people and healthier people.
She teaches us how we can help ourselves and subsequently help other people too. It is an eternal developing circle of knowledge and the benefits of them are great.
Since my lineage Activation and following the Sacred Geometry classes, my life has changed. Things have become easier and clear. It is part of my life and I don't even have to think about it. I listen more to my heart instead of my brain and therefore, day-to-day decisions are easy to make. I have now confidence that everything I do has a reason, and the outcome is to better myself and my loved ones.
My life makes more sense and I love how it is going thanks to the lineage and what I do with it. My advice to everybody is: Whenever you get the chance to take the lineage Activation or other workshops with Ula, do it, and your life will be changed forever in a way you never imagined.
Hiya Ula! I hope you are having a wonderful time on your trip! My hips are feeling much better. I've biked and hiked, feeling good! Thank you for helping me🤗 Eileen, PA
"I owe my National Title in horse competitions to you. The recovery from two hip replacements to be able to compete again in my 70s is because of your great skills as a therapist and healer. You saved my life with your care and guidance. I love you and thank you."
Phoenixville, PA
“Ula is a phenomenal healer who went above and beyond. I was in great need when Ula had done healing work on me. Ula's gifted healing enabled me to regain my strength to walk after mercury poisoning symptoms had exacerbated, affecting my legs. Ula radiates love, compassion, and integrity in the purest. ”
"OMG, good morning. After the Negative Residue Removal, I had 9 hours of deep and restful sleep. I feel so relaxed. That tension in my body is gone. The weight on my shoulders is finally removed. It feels so freeing and wonderful, like a child with no worries. Everyone should do this. It is so powerful. I feel like the slate has been wiped clean. The investment is so worth it. The energy exchange is very even and fair.
Hanover, PA
I miss those magickal hands. Thank you for always helping me.
Eagles Mere, PA