Auric Region, King Salomon Healing Modality System

NEW! The Auric Region,

King Salomon Healing Modality

 King Salomon was one of the most famous kings in history. His reign was between 970 - 928 BCE and he achieved so much during that time. After studying in Tibet, India, and Persia for many years, he returned home to build his magnificent temple and gathered from around the world 300,000 head shamans, prophets, oracles, healers, medicine people and alchemists to work with him. They worked together for decades combining their tools, talents, and traditions and developed many Hermetic and Alchemical arts and knowledge, creating healing techniques that would withstand the course of time and be accepted by all people regardless of race, religion, or beliefs.

 The Modern Mystery School has maintained and used these methods throughout the ages, handing them down in the oral tradition from teacher to student. The ancient healing modalities are now available to all who seek them as part of the King Salomon Healing Modality. Each individual sessions of series of powerful healings was utilized to empower the high priests and priestesses. These are the most sophisticated healing tools and system available to heal our human body. With the Auric Region of the King Salomon’s Healing Modality system, we return to our aura to its natural state, which enables us to live more as our true divine selves.

Benefits include:

•  Healing and clearing our energetic damage and overwhelm stored in our aura to help physical, mental, emotional,

   and soul bodies function more efficiently.

 •  Helping us "lighten up" so our aura is feels lighter and is easier to use because we feel and act more like an

    authentic divine self

 •  Enhancing vitality by freeing our stuck energy as we choose to let go of masks and old sabotaging patterns 

 •  Enabling us to easier connect to our divine support and create a life we desire with more ease and grace

 •  Increasing greater spiritual and physical awareness, self-confidence, inner strength, mental and physical acuity,

    stability, creativity and much more,,, therefore, accelerating our spiritual & personal evolution by living life as a

    divine human
King Salomon studied healing in Tibet for over 25 years. He combined many Eastern rituals with Hebraic teachings to form this powerful healing modalities. They have been passed down through the Modern Mystery School via the oral tradition from one teacher to the next. These ancient, powerful healing modalities simultaneously work on different aspect of the whole aura, restoring well being to many aspects of our body and life.  This is a very sacred and holy session to receive—a very special gift to yourself or others! These modalities are very sacred and powerful. They sanctify us and bring us more fully into the presence of God—each one in a slightly different way by working with a different archangelic presence, each working with and building upon the others. The Auric Region of KSHM series works to heal many forms of separation that occurred between the auric body: the physical body, and the soul body with the spirit in humans.

 Imagine how happy and easier life would be if all of our daily tasks and desires would manifest more smoothly, or if things that once bothered us no longer do. The challenges in life would be easier to overcome and wielding our Free Will would be easier. Therefore, making the right choices would also become easier. We rediscover what mental stability, strength, and clarity feels like, what living with emotionally secure state can be like. We become more self-confident and self-assured as powerful divine beings, feeling more alive with purpose, passion, and direction in our life. This sacred modality changes lives. We lighten up, literally, feeling unburdened, with lightness, and a strong sense of well-being, freer from mental and emotional entanglements and being enmeshed in the trivia of our many daily, mundane affairs. 

 The Auric Region can brings about a profound spiritual evolution and personal transformation unlike anything you have experienced before. It has changed the lives of thousands of people. It is powerful and capable of accomplishing in 10 sessions what takes years to achieve with other types of healing modalities, therapies,  counseling, or light work. By re-establishing the natural flow of Universal Energy and the instinctive intelligence through your being, your natural energy systems are vitalized and stabilized. That allows a much deeper healing and transformation to occur.

How the modality works:

 The King Salomon Healing Modalities are based on the simple principle that our imbalances and life obstacles are of a spiritual nature. Therefore they must be approached in a spiritual way. These imbalances continue to haunt us because we do not have enough energy to clear or release them in their spiritual aspect. The only way to do this is to gradually build up spiritual energy. This spiritual energy then supports the natural process as the instinctive intelligence of one’s spiritual nature takes over and naturally clears and restores itself to its original true self. As Humans we operate on three levels at all times: the Physical, the Soul and the Spirit. Each operating to its own set of rules—each interconnected. Most of us are only aware of the Physical Body and seek ways to meet its needs. Yet, nearly 70–80% or more of our energy is used just to get through the day! This leaves little energy left to meet the needs of our Soul and Spirit.
To meet these needs we focus on healing the soul body, physical body, and spirit body. Life's events are also experienced in the soul body and the spirit body. The inhibited expression of these incidents harms our soul and spirit bodies, impeding their ability to flow Universal Energies. This experience we call “feelings,” feelings of negative emotions, negative thoughts, stress, anxiety, low vitality, unhealthy situations and relationships and much more. Over time the unexpressed negative feelings build up and create energetic residue. As we experience life we gradually damage and impair our soul and spirit bodies' ability to flow Universal Life Force Energy as we once did.

 This energetic residue creates blocks of trapped or “stuck” energies that we live in and carry around with us. This result creates problems in our lives as we continually repeat the “patterns” of negativity trapped within the memories of energetic residue we've created. We re-create, re-live and thereby add to those negative patterns on an almost daily basis in what almost seems like a never-ending struggle to release or cleanse these patterns from our lives. Modern science does not yet understand this process!

By meeting the needs of the soul body and the spirit body we rapidly heal and progress in all areas of our life. True healing occurs when the damaged energy systems of the soul body and the spirit body are energized and aligned. They naturally draw upon enough Universal Energies to finally heal themselves of accumulated energetic residue. With enough energy flowing as properly intended as it once did we reclaim our true self and inherent sense of purpose. Your natural ability to flow Universal Energies will soon recover. As this happens the instinctive intelligence of Universal Energies and your soul and spirit bodies soon come together to heal energetic residue in much the same way your physical body knows how to heal itself. However, it is essential that you complete the entire series for this to be effective.

 The Auric Region KSHM Series is done as a set of 10 consecutive healing sessions, to which a client needs to commit to have every 5 to 14 days. Each session works with a different Archangel, addressing a specific area of healing. When completed, this series provides an overall revitalization, focusing on optimizing all parts of your aura, all layers of spiritual, astral, and physical planes of existence. The client is filled with a profound sense of inner peace, joy and personal empowerment. This series is truly like nothing anyone can ever experience before, powerful and often creating quick results!

The full Auric Region KSHM system requires commitment to complete the whole 10 session series. Each healing session needs to be scheduled optimally 5 to 14 days apart. If paid separately, each session is $375. With a full prepay, the system is $3500 or a 6 month payment plan of $600 per month.

For an even better value, we invite you to consider taking advantage of our packages to heal faster and deeper on the Special Offers and Packages page. A prior Life Activation is required ($250) and the Empower Thyself training is strongly recommended ($1300.) 

For more information contact
Lucyna Ula Pasternak at 610 850-3319.

Ula is a certified professional King Salomon Healer.

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