
Combine services and save.

We appreciate and admire your loyalty as a client and commitment to your healing and growth.   We offer packages and prepayment savings so please contact us for customized offers. Thank you for your consistency in your efforts to heal, grow, empower yourself, create a more peaceful and joyful environment for yourself and others. Together we can choose be more effective in manifesting Heaven on Earth. All the best. 


Let us inspire and support each of you to become more effective in sharing joy, hope, goodness, love, passion, purpose and Light with this world. Enjoy new packages to help you turn on more of your divine guidance and power. Allow the ancient and sacred lineage teachings, technology and tools to help you manifest your desires with more ease and grace.

Basic: Life Activation, Energy Clearing and Empower Thyself Training: $1700 Receive a Crystal Healing.

Enhanced: Life Activation, Full Spirit Activation, Energy Clearing, Sacred Geometry 1, Astral Travel, and Empower Thyself Training 1: $2300 Receive a Crystal Healing and Cherubim Healing.

Advanced: Life Activation, Full Spirit Activation, Energy Clearing, Sacred Geometry 1, Astral Travel, 12 Races of Planet Earth, Journeys of the Spirit, and Empower Thyself Training: $2900 Receive a Crystal Healing, Cherubim Healing,  Space Alignment Healing, and Aura Healing.

Ultimate Startup: Life Activation, Full Spirit Activation, Energy Clearing, Sacred Geometry 1, Sacred Geometry 2, Astral Travel, 12 Races of Planet Earth, Journeys of Spirit, and Empower Thyself training: $3300 Receive a Crystal Healing, Cherubim Healing, Space Alignment Healing, Aura Healing and another healing of your choice.

Give It a Try

  A free Gift of Health.

Connect with us today and let us know what free gift you prefer, when and where you have been awarded the gift. 

You can choose :


  1. Improve Your Health, a 30 min consultation.

   2.  A Max Meditation session,

       30 minutes.

   3.  Energy Healing,

        30 minutes.

   4.  One AO Scan Mobile

        Vitals scan and



Be well and happy.

4 Introductory Packages

Purify and Infuse: purify your mind from negativity, your energy field from draining attachments with a basic energy clearing, plus infuse your physical and spritual DNA with Light. 55 min $150

Purify, Infuse, and Heal: purify your mind from negativity, your energy field from draining attachments with a basic energy clearing, plus infuse your physical and spritual DNA with Light, and receive a Crystal Healing. 90 min. $350

Release, Recharge, and Renew: receive myofascial release chronic pain and sicomfort, recharge and renew your body, mind and soul with Ensofic Reiki. 120 min. $350

Feel More Safe, Free & Whole:

Life Activation, Basic Energy Clearing, 

Isis 1 - Emotional Body Healing, Isis 2 - Mental Body Healing, $900, plus a gift of a Crystal Healing, value of $200.


Let lineage knowledge, tools and technology make it easier for you to let go of the past, heal, create more purpose in life and better integrate the new and better frequencies on the planet.

Spark of Life Package: 4 long distance healing sessions. $1000, plus a gift of a 1 hour long distance Ensofic Reiki Session, value of $250.

Enhanced Protection Package:  Full Enegy Clearing, Life Activation. Ra Protection Healing, Interstellar Tube of Light, $1050. plus a gift of a 1 hour in-person or long distance Ensofic Reiki Session, value of $250.

Lighten Up and Heal!

Basic Package:  Life Activation, Full Energy Clearing, Empower Thyself Training, and Auric Region KSHM series. $5300, plus a gift of 2 Etheric Reconstruction sessions, value of $750.

Lighten Up and Heal!

Advanced Package:  Life Activation, Full Energy Clearing, Empower Thyself Training, Isis 1 and 2 Healing, and Spiritual Drug Detox, $5600, plus a gift of a Negative Residue Removal Etheric Reconstruction (2 sessions), value of $1000.

Enjoy exploring our healing systems on our Heal webpage

these healing systems make it much easier to think straight, with more focus and clarity, to make desired shifts in life that help you grow, heal with effciency, and manifest dreams and desires with more ease and grace.

Gift yourself this pure technology of raising awareness, healing deeply and on many levels simultaneously, infusing your ancestral DNA with Light to heal the past and the future generations.

Please value your precious divine, eternal, galactic self and choose to live with more ease, grace, clarity, and focus!  That will make you a better leader, an example to inspire others to grow and heal, and helps us create more joy and peace in the world. Join us!

To connect, call 610 850-3319

or email at


or pasternakl@outlook.com

All the healing and empowerment services you need,
all in one place.

We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of your needs. Let us help you heal, grow and become the human you want to be.

Book Service

Standard membership


Per month 

Perfect for individuals 
Up to 4 in the family



Per month 

Perfect for small companies
Up to 5 members



Per month 

Concierge service.

Perfect for executives and leaders. 


Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
Book an appointment
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