Max Meditation System, donation ($20) Allow the Max Meditation system, a mix of ancient and modern techniques, to calm your body, mind and emotions. Allow it to help you let go of stress, pain, anxiety so you feel more at peace and enhance your wellness. ( 1 to 1.5 hrs,)
Chi Do Moving Meditation, donation ($20) Allow this elegant, simple and effective system of gentle body movements synchronized with slow breathing to revitalize you, all of you, raising your physical, mental, emotional and soul stamina. Developed by the founder of the Modern Mystery School, an accomplished martial artist, Gudni Gudnason, this system works for all levels of skill and comfort. Allow it to raise your life force, bring healing, balance you and increase inner peace. (30 min to 1 hr.)
Sanctuary Meditation - Meet Your Higher Self, $55, $50 with a prepayment at registration. In this class you will be guided to take to journeys to a safe and beautiful place to meet and start working more Closely with your Higher Self. You will be able to connect, recognize authentic signs for the Higher Self, and receive accurate guidance. (Approximately 2 - 3 hrs)
Awaken Thyself & Sanctuary Meditation,
$55, $50 with prepayment at registration. In this introductory class, you will experience first hand how simple and practical tools can help you open and enhance your own spiritual connections to your Higher Self, to create, enter and leave your sacred sanctuary, to protect you and assist you to go deeper into meditation and make it easier and safer to receive higher teachings. As a result, you will feel more aware and empowered to walk in this realm of existence. (Approximately 3 hrs)
Spiritual Intuition , $55, $50 with prepayment at registration. You will practice using and developing your senses in mediation and journeying to get reliable guidance, to better connect and understand your messages from the Light. (Approximately 2 - 2.5 hours)
7 Mystery Schools , $55, $50 with prepayment at registration. Join us to learn about and taste the energy of the 7 Mystery Schools of our planet. They were with us since the beginning of our human existence and we often associated them with legends and occult. The authentic mystery schools have persevered and quietly, behind the scenes, maintained the workings of the energy flow for humanity on our planet. Their unique roles and knowledge served a greater purpose and formed foundations for all successful societies in our world, including the old shamanic societies. For years these schools have been closed to the public, openly teaching from only one of them each century. It is also true today. Students of these schools receive knowledge and powerful, transformational tools to enhance their life and help create peace on the planet. The one open to the public now is the Modern Mystery School.
Let us introduce you to all seven, receive authentic information about them and experience at least one transformational tool of power from each school. These Mystery Schools hold the KEYS to our evolution and all work together towards bringing true peace to our world and help us humans shift to welcome the new paradigm and create another Shamballa. So join us to discover their locations, taste their energetic flavors and feel their correlations to our mind, body, soul and spirit. Let us create peace on our planet with Joy, Love and Light! (Approximately 2 - 3 hrs)
Activate Your Soul – Metaphysics Basics , $50 per class, $ 300 all 7 classes. Let us help you connect, open and enhance your relationship with your soul through a frequency of a color. (3 hrs, 7 weeks, best to be taken in sequence for 7 consequtive weeks.)
Sacred Geometry 1 , $175, $150 with prepayment at registration. The term Sacred Geometry has been used by scientist, artists, musicians and philosophers in many cultures throughout human history. They all have tried to understand and explain the science and art of geometry and its relationship between its organic and logarithmic structures. They also attempted to the geometry with the knowledge of the world, especially music, art, medicine, religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs. The ancient teachings tell us that this universe was created from the formless into form using sacred geometry.
This introductory course will awaken the basic geometric shapes of a sphere, cube and pyramid in your aura and teach you how you can use it to seal and grid your man made spaces to clear and create a safer energy environment. Consequently, it gets easier to rest, heal, and become a stronger and wiser being of Light.
Your connection to Divine Realms in such protected environment is faster and easier to maintain so the meditation, healing work, yoga practice gets much deeper. Therefore, your Higher Self, guides and guardians can work with you more effectively. Are you ready to be more unified with the primary language and forces of creation? Let Sacred Geometry amaze you how simply and quickly it can improve your daily life by creating a safer home and work place for you mind, body and spirit and directly connect you to the forces of creation. (Approximately 4 hours)
Astral Travel , $175, $150 with prepayment at registration.
We all leave our bodies in sleep or if we lose consciousness due to trauma. We can also choose to leave our bodies to enter the astral plane to go and explore our beautiful world. In this introductory course you will learn how to safely leave and re-enter the physical body to experience the vastness of the universe to see and feel its unlimited potential for teaching and inspiring us. In fact, many works of art, musical compositions, great pieces of literature and important inventions have been created as the result of astral travel. This is also a great skill for healing professionals as it can be an effective tool for assistance in disaster hit areas or disease stricken individuals, families or communities. You can go anywhere you want! The only limitation is your imagination! We hope you are ready to expand it. Taking Sacred Geometry 1 is highly recommended prior to enrolling in Astral Travel. (Approximately 4 hours)
12 Races Class , $220, $200 with prepayment at registration.
Have you ever wondered if the mythical friends from childhood fairytales or our present day motion pictures are real? Yes, they are. Many encounter them and even work with them to help heal our world. Join us to receive truthful information about the 12 Races and make authentic connections to the magickal friends that live with us here. They are our powerful allies, hold important knowledge for us and can teach us skills to heal, protect, transform and enjoy this amazing world!
This class will help you open your mind and heart so you can interact with them appropriately, earn their trust, develop friendship and receive gifts of assistance in your life so you can better fulfill your mission in this world and have fun doing it! We are meant to live in unity with them and doing so will help restore peace and in harmony with all life on our planet so the ongoing transformation towards Shamballah will be easier for all of us. (Approximately 6 - 8 hrs)
Sacred Geometry 2 , $450 ($400 full-pay 2 weeks ahead of class) (plus $50 for optional materials)
Exploring the sacred geometries further, we will go deep into the mysteries of crystals and how we can enhance our life and our homes with the use of crystals. This workshop will include teachings that come directly from the ancient MU Text on:
Crystal Magick
Crystal Healings
Crystal Readings
Crystal Dreaming
Crystal Magickal Forms
Enhancing Home Geometry
Creating a wonderful home environment
You will learn how to four separate sacred geometries with crystals by placing them in a specific order and pattern, while chanting rituals in such a way that will open doorways into different realms. These four separate patterns offer:
1. Protection
2. Bringing God into your home
3. Calling in the energy of God & Goddess of Light
4. Completion, wholeness, abundance & manifestation of all your desires & needs
This seminar is based on true ancient unchanged teachings in a direct and sacred lineage! Join us for a day that will give you practical tools you can use immediately to enhance your health, home, and life. (Approximately 6 - 8 hrs) Prerequisites. SG 1
Sacred Geometry 3 , $450 ($400 full-pay 2 weeks ahead of class)
In this class you will learn how to activate and heal all 7 layers of the aura for oneself and for others with a help of Egyptian Deities, crystals, geometric shapes, a bell and a potato. You will also have a chance to infuse a specific desire for manifesting something in your life and infuse it with special blessings. Sacred Geometry 1 and 2 and 1st Step Empower Thyself Adept Initiation are prerequisites. (Approx. 6 - 8 hrs)
Sacred Geometry 4 . $450 ($400 full-pay 2 weeks ahead of class)
You will learn how to improve your space by imprinting your energy and “claiming” it to serve you, protect you, by making it peaceful and joyful by creating 3 types of temples. It becomes much easier to rest, heal, meditate and connect to the universal and divine energies for advice how to create a better life:
Pythagoras Temple: for Human Body, Home, Safety and Cube – the home of the Soul for easier living as an eternal spirit in a human flesh.
Melkizedek Temple: For the Soul, Priesthood, Spiritual Life and Circle of the Spirit especially to assist in healing, sacred rituals or ceremonies, or special work or family gatherings like a wedding, christening, confirmation, bar or bat mitzvah, holidays, etc.
Noah’s Temple: for Spirit, High Magick, Love and the Sacred Energy of a Pyramid for special occasions to bring higher vibrations to any space.
Prerequisites: Sacred Geometry 1, 2, 3, and being a Certified LAP. (Approximately 4 hrs)
Journeys of the Spirit , $450, ($400 with full prepayment, two weeks ahead of the class.)
In this class you will be given exercises to increase your clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience, work in your Sanctuary with your Higher Self to receive your Personal Keys and guided to go on journeys into different dimensions to become familiar with the Elemental Forces of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. You will also get a chance to check with and balance your male and female energies. (Approximately 6 – 8 hrs)