Starseed Healing - Rebalances the positive vibrations surrounding the human body that are lost on a daily basis. This distinctive healing utilizes crystals, chimes, and a tuning fork to cleanse and harmonize your body's energetic system. $350
Unified Chakra Awakening - Activates a chakra system of 2,418 points. It connects and unifies all the energies of the light body with the physical body, providing you with a deeper connection to your spiritual essence. This healing will bring you to a peaceful state of mind as it fights apathy, and awakens your soul and nervous system. $350
If prepaid, both Galactic Healings are offered as a package for $600, savings of $100
Ensofic Reiki -
starts at the root of the Japanese "tree" of Reiki, which makes it far more precise, more powerful and authentic than the current systems taught in the West. It is gentle, helps your physical body and emotions to heal, can have detoxifying effects and, best of all, is effective either way - applied in person or long distance. Energy Exchange $250/hr or $150 for half hour. Package of 3 sessions $700.
Etheric Reconstruction, Level 1.
We locate the areas in the 7 layers of aura where the energy flow from past traumatic experiences diminishes or blocks the flow of Light. We then gently diffuse of remove them and fill them with Light with the help of crystal wands. The damage can be eased or eliminated, bringing healing and relief for a greater sense of freedom, happiness and vitality. E Exchange: $400 for 1st ER healing session including the Spagyric support formula, $350 for any subsequent ER healing sessions.
Celestial Region Etheric Reconstruction, Level 2.
Crystal wands are used to help you decrease damage in your energy field and restore it to its original blueprint. E Exchange $350 if requested as a separate modality. If combined with a paid ER session, it can be discounted for a package of $650 for the two sessions or $900 for 3 sessions.
Negative Residue Removal Etheric Reconstruction, Level 3. New!
We go into the deeper etheric energy structures to clear old damage from trauma and help heal yourself and ancestral patterns. E Exchange $800, 2 two-hour sessions a week apart.
Aura Healing - We locate the areas in the aura where energy from past or current traumatic experiences has diminished or blocks the flow of Light. We then seal them and fill them with Light so they can be healed to bring relief and a greater sense of freedom and vitality. Energy Exchange $250/hr prorated
7-Layer Aura Healing - Healing 7 Layers of Aura: the spirit, thinker, soul, astral, planning, dreamer, and action level will noticeably balance your energy, strengthen it and help you to manifest your desires, fulfill goals and your mission in life. It will enhance your belief in how sacred you and your body are so you can take better care of yourself, deepen your connections to your mind, soul and your divine blueprint with help of sacred geometry and Egyptian Gods and Goddesses $250
Isis Healing. Level 1 - This healing gathers our scattered energy so we can use our brain more easily, have better clarity and focus in our lives. It awakens old brain and it helps with emotional issues. Our emotional energy body is rejuvenated and vibrational energy is redirected to connect to the father, mother, existence, mystery and essence of life for a formula of success in our lives. 1 hour $250
Isis Healing Level 2 - This healing helps to create a new vibration within a physical body to give you more passion and way more vitality. It redirects old vibrations towards the new one to synchronize the body with the soul, helping you get over the OLD and heal emotional wounds! You can then create a more positive thought pattern and open up your 3rd eye. Well, with all that you will get clarity about love energy and your clearer mind will help you bring an appropriate lover, if that is your wish. If you have love flowing, more abundance will flow as well. 1 hour, $300 If both are prepaid, $500, savings of $50
RA Protection Healing - Through providing a connection to RA and God, this modality offers many blessings from clearing, healing and protection to having a chance to ask for help with manifesting specific desires. 1 hr, $250 .
Archangel Michael Interstellar Tube of Light - this healing creates protective energy
around the physical body thus reflecting unsupportive energies coming from
outside, It brings clarity to the mind and heart to align them with each other,
and help them be open to expansion, growth and much deeper healing. With that clarity, it becomes easier to feel and act on the desired changes towards more
fulfillment in life. 45 min. $300
Crystal Healing and Reading - Crystals used will balance your Emotional, Mind, Physical Body, Internal Organ Challenges, Space Reversal, Time Enhancement, Pure Mind, Libido, Empowerment, Healing Old or New Wounds and For a Good Fortune! You can ask the twin crystal “to read” your past or your future. $200
Cherubim Healing - We connect you to Cherubim Angels, the Ray of Christ and Holy Mother Mary for blessing, healing and empowerment. $200
Space Alignment with Physical Body - You will feel more balanced in the 3D space you live in and all 7 directions for better focus, improved health, especially mental health, and for easier connection to spirit making if easier to create in the physical realm. $200
Soul Retrieval - At certain times of intense, heavy thoughts, concepts and experiences of physical and emotional trauma, parts of the soul can get fragmented. We call them back and assist you in receiving and accepting them to feel whole again. Energy Exchange $250