Lucyna Ula Pasterank

Lucyna "Ula" Pasternak is a Certified Guide, Healer and Life Activation Practitioner by the Modern Mystery School (MMS), a Celtic Shaman, Ritual Master, Kabbalist, Reverend, Licensed Massage Therapist in PA (MSG009038), NJ (18KT00746600) and Certified in Pregnancy Massage. She has studied, practiced and taught about body, mind, heart, soul and spirit health for 46 years.

She grew up in Poland in a holistic and sustainable environment of healing and farming, deeply connected to nature and encouraged to study and experience different forms of healing and spiritual philosophies. She embraced those fostering freedom to choose how to express the unique mission each one of us designs for ourselves in this world holding ourselves accountable for choices in life as we create it. Ula moved to the US to experience more of that freedom and to receive Higher Education. Consequently. She spent 13 years of studying and teaching English and foreign languages as well as writing in several US colleges and universities. She holds a Master of Arts degree, is a published author, makes frequent appearances on inspirational radio shows, and is a visiting instructor in local massage schools.

After a physical injury in 1994 and lack of sensible help from conventional medicine in the US, she focused on studying self-healing and natural/functional medicine. She soon got better and found a new passion and purpose in helping others heal their chronic painful conditions with sensible therapies and health coaching so they can heal deeply and return to a desired lifestyle.  Ula enjoys offering therapeutic services that produce quick and long-lasting results. In 2008, she found trustworthy teachers and a supportive global community with the Lineage of King Salomon through the Modern Mystery School (MMS). Finally it all came together. The knowledge, technology and tools for self-care were efficient, powerful and authentic. The knowledge, and tools agreed with her life philosophy. They fostered freedom to choose how we live, heal and nourish our body, mind, soul and spirit. She can now share this ancient technology of activating and empowering a human Light Body, as well as many proven healing methods based on these ancient teachings. They are effective, powerful and so needed to raise awareness and balance the Divine Feminine and Masculine in our world. She works relentlessly to help restore peace and bring harmony to all living beings.

She is a joyful, kind, considerate, direct and authentic. She teaches and offers healing work and sacred ceremonies internationally. She finds her deepest fulfillment in integrating metaphysical wisdom of self-knowing, healing and mastery so each one of us can create and live a soulful life with purpose, passion, peace and joy.  She now offers customized and comprehensive health and empowerment programs from various physical and energy healing modalities to activations, initiations and advanced spiritual training certified by the Modern Mystery School. They help awaken our hidden potential coded in our physical and spiritual DNA and divine blueprint. They can help clear our limiting ancestral past, transform into who we want to be and do it much faster and safer than any new-age methods promise us.

She believes that maintaining a close relationship with Higher Self and Divine Source along with creating a safe, peaceful, loving, joyful internal and external environment are vital to our wellbeing and keys to healing ourselves and our world. She offers training about our sacred connections and incorporating them into our lives, which include prayers, rituals, ceremonies, meditation, Sacred Geometry, healing and gridding with crystals and working with elements of alchemy. She is a Reverend and can perform weddings, baptisms, funerals, and house blessings.

To contact Ula, call
610-850-3319 write to

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